As the Cookie Crumbles . . .

The Daily Something is Better than Nothing

sookie raphael painting tree of lights
Sookie Raphael painting ‘Tree of Lights’

Remembering Mom, as Dad would jump up and leave the room when we started to sing, saying, “He must feel inferior.”

Gawd love her.

She had a beautiful voice. A sweet, full alto. Only one I’ve ever heard like it, her voice.


I’m playing and singing every day, and it only gets more and more fun and satisfying.  Still I can’t press the guitar strings hard enough, which frustrates me. You’d think by now a lot of strength would have built up in my hands. I shall persevere.


When I’m sick, pretty much all I can do is sleep. Barring that, try to sleep. Thus it is a stretch to believe anyone who  lies abed looking at their phone instead of sleeping is actually sick.

When I’m sick, the last thing I can do is drink a beer. Thus it’s hard to take seriously anyone who acts as if booze is a medicine. Unless it’s the ‘hot toddy’ type; I can almost make sense of that one.


I kinda want to bake bread today. And I kinda don’t want to.



2 thoughts on “The Daily Something is Better than Nothing

  1. I agreeeeeee- playing a singing IS fun!
    that’s all I have to say about that- maybe you need a different guitar / strings- I find mine great for pressing the strings and others really tough… just depends on the action. That’s all I have to say about that.

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Speak to me, dahlink.