As the Cookie Crumbles . . .

Gettin’ Goosed


We figured they were considering a snack of Farmbeau’s garlic there on the left, but decided against it once they noticed our eyes on them. They honked and flew off.

It’s another granola-making day, and perfect for it. No place to go, cool and wet outside, and a little heat from the oven is welcome.

But now that it’s done, I’m about to suit up and get some fresh air. And put a cloth over the clear back of that birdhouse because I don’t think they’ll use it when their babies would be visible. This way if they do raise a family in it, the cloth can be lifted up occasionally to take a peek at them before they leave the nest.

4 thoughts on “Gettin’ Goosed

  1. I heard a story on CBC last night about a fox attacking a Canada goose, a very hungry fox I’m guessing. The woman took 2000 photos of the whole thing, it lasted awhile, and I thought, that’s what I want to do:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Geese are sure pretty to look at from a distance. /There are many winging their way back here. The dog and I stumbled upon three wild turkeys walking down the street yesterday. We promptly crossed over to the other side and let them have their way. Not sure why all these turkeys are running around the neighborhood.

    We had a couple of days of sunny spring weather and boom its in the 30″s, had to turn on the AC it is so humid. You keep warm I try and stay cool. Take care.

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  3. It may be chilly there, but we’re having an early heat wave. The nights do cool right down, though. It’s only 16 here at 7 although it reached 30 or close to it yesterday.

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Speak to me, dahlink.