As the Cookie Crumbles . . .

Getting ‘Er Done

office workA freelance proofreading file was due yesterday so that was my first focus. The projects I work on can be mind-numbing because there are calendar dates to be checked, so to help myself stay sharp I set a timer for 20 minutes and take a short break between spurts of reading.

During those brief breaks and after the file was sent off to Candace, my project manager, a few other domestic interests were taken care of. 

My laundry basket was full, so to the basement I went and my clothing washed and dried while I was at my desk.

Then I turned my desk around to put the glare of sunlight behind me. There’s no winning, really. The sun is either in my eyes or on the laptop screen. Often I have to work with the blind pulled. But now I’m facing the door, at least; feng shui style.

laundry no
The washer decided not to work after filling with cold water, so a second load of laundry — towels, my housecoat, and some of Farmbeau’s clothing — languished till later in the day when I removed the dripping wet items with a wooden spoon and dippered out most of the water. Farmbeau and Bro will tackle that today; if there’s a fix, they’ll find it and if not, there is a washing machine in our porch that will go downstairs.

Buttermilk has been in the fridge for several weeks, waiting for me to get around to making whole wheat doughnuts. Guess what’s in my lunch today.
And the inevitable … dishwasher or no dishwasher, there are always dishes to do.

3 thoughts on “Getting ‘Er Done

  1. Setting the timer seems like a great idea. I have to pull the shade in my den early in the day in the warmer months bc the sun blasts in on the computer screen, but it’s only for a few hours.

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  2. You made me think of mom today. My favourite day was when she made donuts and would let us shake them in sugar in a brown paper bag! She always let us snack on the holes she cut from the Center of the donuts 🥰nice memory.

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