As the Cookie Crumbles . . .

Minor Misunderstandings

junco trap
I happened to be stood looking out the front window (as one does) when I noticed there were 2 dark-eyed juncos inside the firepit, looking for a way out and being unsuccessful. I went out in my slippers and opened the door for them, and have left it that way.

“That’s 80 cents,” the bank teller said to the elderly lady on the other side of the wicket. “An extra 2 cents.”

“Why?” the lady asked, irritated.

“We have to round up, now.”

“Oh the buggers!” the lady exclaimed.

The teller straightened her out. “You got 2 extra cents that way.”

“Oh that’s okay then.”


I’ve had two cups already when he finally stumbles into the kitchen to pour his first one and asks, “How’s your coffee?”

“Delicious!” I say, before realizing he was asking if I wanted a refill.




Cate Kerr writes beautifully about the butterfly called a ‘mourning cloak’: feast your eyes.

3 thoughts on “Minor Misunderstandings

  1. The two-cent thing reminds me that I don’t notice bc almost every transaction is by card now. When I have cash in my wallet, which I always do, it tends to stay in place for months.

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