Seen in Saskatchewan

They Thought There Was a Monster?

In the course of my proofreading travels this morning, this YouTube video turned up.


The crackers: I did spread the dough too thin, and to bake as long as the instructions brought the crackers to the brink of burning. They were too brown. Nevertheless the crackers were delicious and we nibbled on them till they were all gone. I’ll just make some adjustments next time and it looks like we’ve got a winner.

I’ve just put bread dough into loaf pans for its second and last rise, which is two to three hours. That gives me time to jaunt into town for another visit with Emil before the oven has to be turned on. It’s a hot day, not the best for baking, but it’s also supposed to rain, so maybe we can open windows and cool the place off. It was suggested that I bake over at the little house, unoccupied, instead. We’ll see how things look when I get home.


June 30, 1970
PERIGORD: There has been a
lot of talk, even write-ups, about the
Round Lake monster these past few
weeks. Let’s hope somebody finds out
soon exactly what it is. There might
be danger for our young swimmers or
even for small boats!
Wadena News, Looking Back

2 thoughts on “They Thought There Was a Monster?

  1. Glad to hear your crackers did not go to waste. Thanks for sharing Steve Martin video very interesting.


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