special of the day

On the Go

Pick up morels from Sylvia. (Check)
Wash, sauté, bag, freeze morels. (Check)
Drop off paint strainer in town at friend’s. (Check)
Withdraw cash from credit union account. (Check)
Take bread to Everett’s, and visit with him a while. (Check)
Get refund from Co-op for overcharge last week. (Check)
Buy groceries. (Check)
Return library books, mine and Emil’s. Sign out two more for me, four more for him — one is classic Alice in Wonderland, which he’s never read and I’ll have to read to him. We’ll see what he thinks. He could read it but it would be slow going as he’d have to ask for pronunciation for a lot of words, and so it’s not much of a pleasure for him. But … (Check)
Go to post office for mail. (Check)
Have two house keys cut at lumberyard; Bev’s coming this weekend! (Check)
Donate refundable containers to the food bank via the Sarcan depot. (Check)
Stop at drive-thru window for a small chocolate milkshake, $2.25. (Check)
Make three or four trips back and forth between house and car to carry everything in.
Pour a cold glass of water and sit in the sun on the back step for a few minutes. (Check)

Next: put groceries away, start supper, drive out to the field to give Scott a ride home. He’s managed to get into the fields to cultivate for the past two days, and is happy about that.
Have I forgotten anything? It feels like I have.
There’s more I’ve done and more I could do. The yard is a mess of sticks and plastic containers the dog has been playing with; they need to be picked up so she can find and dump a bunch more stuff onto the grass. I haven’t had time to go for a walk.
The front flowerbed needs some attention. Just a little bit each day and it’s not difficult to keep it shipshape. It doesn’t look like much right now but it’s good to see the green and I patiently await the flowers that aren’t up yet:

perennial bed
In front of the caragana windbreak you’re seeing delphiniums, maltese crosses, daylilies, columbines, oriental poppies, thyme, globeflowers, blue flax, and purple coneflowers. So far. The rosebushes haven’t budded out yet, the giant shasta daisies are being shy, I’ve torn out the speedwells and a bunch of the hollyhocks (this bed is still too windy, caraganas or no) but will remove more, and the lupins, plume poppy, spearmint and bleeding heart bush have yet to make their appearance. So does the feverfew, which reseeds itself.

Scott managed to find a slot of time one day to load up the lilac branches he’d pruned from the row on the east side of the house. He’s a busy, busy boy.

3 thoughts on “On the Go

  1. Maggie,
    Never heard of caraganas! What! I thought they were ubiquitous! They are out here, that’s for sure. They were brought here by immigrants I believe because they are fast-growing “weed” (in many opinions) bushes. They spread all over and are difficult to vanquish. They are the worst place to put a flower bed because they tend to invade it, but I wanted flowers where we could see them from the front windows, and the caraganas protect the flowers from the wind, somewhat, in this terribly windy yard.
    There are tiny yellow flowers which many of us, as children, would squeeze to extract a drop of sweet nectar. I’ll put up some photos when they blossom. The caraganas will be full of bees and birds.-Kate


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