As the Cookie Crumbles . . .

Little Visitor

20240624_102623One day this week my two-year-old great-niece came to spend the day. Rather than going completely through the house to safety-proof, as I do when our 3 grandlittles are going to be here for several days, I put up a Bic lighter and a set of tarot cards and decided to keep both eyes on the tot. I’d been warned she has a habit of sweeping anything she can reach onto the floor.

It was an excellent strategy because she was happy to have my full attention, and I relaxed in her company. We went for three walks around the yard and down the road. We put my new garden-wagon to use (what are those called, again?). She helped me water the flowers. We kept our eyes open for the baby skunks that have invaded the yard; don’t want to get too close. She snacked at the kitchen table. We decided what to have for lunch. We went over to the fence to see Terry the bull, who’d come from the other side of the pasture to look us over. We read a book. Finally she said she’d like to nap, chose the “kids’ room” to lie down in, and had just woken up when her grandmother arrived to collect her an hour or so later. 

The secret to enjoying children most might well be having one all to myself for awhile.

kit and terry

Tiny as this skunk kit is, it challenged Terry before waddling off in the other direction. Terry was only curious.

2 thoughts on “Little Visitor

Speak to me, dahlink.