As the Cookie Crumbles . . .

Chocolate=Cold Sore=Smarten Up!

Scott and Dad June 2024
Saskatoon to Humboldt with Farmbeau and Dad

Beverly wrote:
Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, exposed the insecticide DDT’s dangers to the environment. One of the many harmful effects of this chemical was that it made the eggshells of eagles so thin, they broke when the birds sat on them.



So I’m strutting down the road an hour ago and a magpie lands a few feet in front of me. When I speak to it, it flies up and comes down further ahead, then rambles ahead of me. Why is this magpie being a walking companion, I wonder, but am pleased just the same. Then I notice the shadow of a much larger bird above us both and look up. There’s a turkey vulture circling overhead, not high up as they normally do. I begin to wonder if it’s stalking me or the magpie. It’s when I notice a second vulture so close, also circling, that I get a little nervous before laughing at myself. Turkey vultures don’t bother people, and I’m not dead yet. 


clouds 1st

clouds 1

clouds 2

3 thoughts on “Chocolate=Cold Sore=Smarten Up!

  1. Looks like a beautiful day out there for walking. On the cusp of a heatwave here, ewwwww. More moderate temperatures suit my spirit. Liptstick/Chapstick = Coldsore = Smarten up! Chocolate just make me crave more chocolate.

    Liked by 1 person

Speak to me, dahlink.