special of the day

Instagram Got ‘Em First

angel But it doesn’t mean I love you less.

It’s been a busy few days and posting to Instagram is quicker and easier, now that I have a clue how, than uploading pictures from phone to laptop, resizing, and posting them here. But finally I’m taking a few minutes before bed to let you know I’m still taking care of business here.

I was out walking one late afternoon or early evening when I noticed this cloud formation and thought, “Ah ha! Finally I actually see one of these cloud angels, myself!” and took the photo.

Later I was asked, “Do you think it was an angel come to collect your Aunt Beulah?” It had appeared on the day she passed. And hey, if anyone deserves to be carried to her heavenly reward by an angel, it’s Aunt Beulah, known by many to be an angel herself.

Then Prince Charming and I drove to Saskatoon to pick up Dad from the airport, and I went in to find him. He wasn’t off the plane yet so I made a pit stop in the ladies’ room and thought this was sweet:


Even a message this generic gives you a little lift.

For the first time since I’ve lived at Golden Grain Farm, Dad’s stayed overnight here instead of at my sister Karen’s. Which means I haven’t been in this office till now, when I’m taking a few moments to keep the “flow” going. Dad and Scott were both asleep by nine (old gents!) and I’m on my way to Dreamland myself.

7 thoughts on “Instagram Got ‘Em First

Speak to me, dahlink.