special of the day


DSCF9615The large frame behind the photo of Mom in the small frame is the one I bought for $1 at a garage sale. The frame the photo is currently in is “tippy,” due to its shape I guess. It doesn’t sit straight, and little things like that bug me.

On the other hand, things like a crooked lamp shade are barely noticed, but they would drive my friend Shelly around the bend.

The huge set of three flower paintings on the wall behind our couch are not hung in a straight line (though I meant them to), which does irritate me but is soon forgotten so that nothing is ever done about it.

We’re funny, people; aren’t we.

3 thoughts on “Friday: IT’S ALL IN THE DETAILS

  1. My big thing is putting the grocery items on the conveyor… if I have 4 cans of the same size, they have to go together or if I have 4 boxes of one item, the same thing. Kurt calls it’s grocery Tetris. He likes to randomly put stuff on so that he can see me twitch!

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Speak to me, dahlink.